
How To Get Basketball Sponsorships

Basketball players are envied by many people. They’re superstars, make loads of cash, and best of all love what they do. Unfortunately, many people are happy to just dream about the life they could have rather than live the dream itself. For those of you with the skill and persistence to become a pro ball player, you get a little push from sponsors. And while it might take a lot of physical training to get into shape, sponsors can help provide you with the training equipment you need. Here are three ideas to help you get started and find a sponsor.


1. Corporate Sponsors

If you want to be a professional basketball player, you’re going to have to aim high. You really have to think of it this way: you’ve got everything to gain and nothing to lose. Many companies out there are eager to give back to the community as long as they can get something in return, which is usually good press. Go to the large sporting goods companies in your area and ask if they’d be willing to sponsor you, whether it be buying you a shirt with their company logo on it or even workout time at the gym. Make sure you do a bit of research before you go. Having a sponsorship proposal wouldn’t hurt either. In return, make sure to mention them when interviewed, or wear the clothing they gave you with their logo. Better yet, do both.  View how sponsorship seekers are getting sponsored with the Sponsorship Secrets sponsorship proposals.

2. Sports Equipment Sponsors

Basketball players need lots of sporting merchandise. Whether it be basketball shoes, a jersey, shorts, wristbands, basketballs or even socks, there are many companies out there that create sporting clothes and goods. While it may be difficult to get Nike to sponsor you, smaller companies might be willing to help you out, especially if they’re locally made items. Check the yellow pages for sporting good plants near you and ask to speak to someone in charge of advertising. The cost of making a t-shirt is often minimal, so they’ll be likely to give away items for free. This is especially true if they know that you will be photographed with their sporting equipment. They’ll get the cost of the t-shirt back in sales and then some.

3. Getting Press

As mentioned before, few people are willing to give something away for nothing, so you’ll have to offer them something in return. The easiest thing is to give them good press. There are many ways to do this. First off, always write a thank you letter to the company that gave you the merchandise. This allows them to publish it in their newsletter. Second, create opportunities to be photographed or interviewed. Contact your local newspaper, or use their sporting goods in a community event. Third, network. Talk to everyone and let them know that you’re looking for some press and chances are you’ll find someone to help you out.

If you’re intent on living the dream rather than just dreaming and are looking for more basketball sponsorship information, please contact one of our sponsorship consultants for more information.

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